Within each of us, there is a silent observator. Something that is always there, in the background of everything you do, want, desire. Something that defines all feelings, all thoughts. It is what we call “the whirling of the spirit”. The stronger it is, the more your thoughts spin… The more everything spins around, the more the silent observator becomes clouded and hidden. Only when you succeed in slowing down the whirling movement, and to silence them, your true nature steps back into the spotlight. The spirit can return home and you will experience how it feels to be standing in your own power…”


Yoga, coaching and hypnotherapy are keys to find your inner obstacles. Learning how to deal with those in a different, clarifying way, makes room for personal growth. It is like tossing the proverbial stone into the water, which will change that river forever. Not so much the river itself, but its flow will be different because of that tiny difference a rock on the bottom made. As such, we’ll find the tools you need, to work with and around your own barriers in order to fully experience life in the best possible way. It’s not you who changes… you’re perfect enough as you are. It’s your perception of who you are and of the world around you that will be different.  Anger, for example, can be contained once the origin and the “why” are revealed. Hypnotherapy can resolve that and thus counter the emotional reaction it triggers. And right there, an opening is created to change… to reprogram the conscious brain and the negative thoughts. Ultimately you can counter the “explosive” reactions too…

Working with groups… and uplifting the group energy to a higher level…

It is possible…

Everything is communication. To communicate in a different, pure and positive way, will lift the energy to a higher level. The energy becomes more serene, and more fulfilling. This tightens the bond between people an allows them to reinforce eachother. The connection improves, the mutual understanding is better and the group achievement is greater with less effort

Massage and more…

Massage is one of the most ancient forms of healing: to heal by touching, with your hands. Oriental cultures have known and used it for centuries on end. Touching is a forgotten language. And it can work miracles! Modern man is now learning to discover its healing powers again, trying to get rid of the stress everyday life causes. Massage is a healing art, a connection on the human level in the purest way. It will help you to reconnect with your body… a true gift in this hasty world. Massage stops time for a while…

With aromatherapy on top, the massage becomes more intense. The pervasive and selective qualities of essential oils stimulate and regulate the body. Shiatsu uses pressure with the hands to restore the natural energy of your body. Energetic massage brings about a positive natural energy flow.

Combining different types of massage, allows you to experience a deeply relaxing state. Relaxation itself will already heal the little aches and pains. Only truly natural essential oils are used and the peace that sooths body and mind will let you connect with your selfhealing powers again. That is where you discover that there is no need for medication when you are confronted with simple things such as stomach- or headaches. Finding peace within, will build strength and resilience against the pressure of life. It creates time and space for reconnecting with the things and people that are good for you. You recuperate, recharge and reconnect with your own inner power… And that is probably the biggest gift massage holds…